Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Wrath and tears

I mentioned in my sermon this past week that Paul calls imitations, imposters "children of disobedience" rather than children of God, and that God's wrath is on them and they will have no inheritance in the Kingdom of Christ and of God.

Our betraying each other and God is not something he will allow to fester and spread against His good creation and against people made in His image and against His own throne. His wrath is the settled, consistent, and righteous opposition to the absurd arrogance and atrocious apathy that we assume when we thoughtlessly trample God's name, his ways, and his people.

It is a hard word, but I spoke it with tears.

A good sermon by Jonathan Edwards that I've condensed and modernized into brief headings and paragraphs: visit, Bethel UC, Resources, and scroll to the bottom, "God Just in Punishing Sinners." (sorry, hyperlink function not working today)

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