Thursday, February 5, 2009

Purity in the wilderness

This past Sunday Feb 1 I preached on Numbers 5 and we looked at the theme of purity in the wilderness. The recorder didn't live up to its name, so there is no audio sermon on-line, but here are some notes AND EXTRA commentary that was not mentioned on Sunday.

1.Dirty people are not fit to dwell where God is, but He chooses to move towards them in antiseptic love
2.Sin is never hypothetical – Real sin against real people (and even if YOU can't strain to find the victim, God is always offended, even by the most secret sins)
3.God sees, judges, and heals the deepest sins in the most personal of relationships: the home

Num 5:1-5
1. Dirty people are not fit to dwell where God is, but He chooses to move towards them in antiseptic love
Point of isolation law here can be seen from Lev 14 – not simply isolation from contagions, quarantine from an epidemic spreading (though this is a good idea and true!). But elaborate ritual cleansing is sign of sin in need of atonement. The rituals don’t actually wash away skin disease, but picture spiritual cleansing.

Uncleanness: Mary Douglas’ work : In ancient Israel, unlike in other neighboring cultures, impurity is not based on social classes or castes (who you are); rather, you become unclean by what you DO. Moral, not racial or gender or socio-economic, or power or class or culture.

We are all equally susceptible and all equally naturally unclean in sin
From birth ("discharges" were semen and menstrual uncleaness)
to death (touching a dead corpse),
all of life is short of God’s holiness, and all of us are equally in need of God’s cleansing and holiness to be rubbed into our lives.

Isa 64:6 “We all have become like one who is unclean and all our righteous acts are like a polluted garment”
-stained from oozing sores, emissions, menstrual discharge– even our religious, righteous deeds are stained with sin because we do them to impress God and justify ourselves before him. We do “good deeds” to cover our “bad deeds and bad nature” and the wet, dirty sin soaks through our religious clothes and shows through

But there’s hope for ANYONE who was outside the holy camp, whether because they were the Jewish equivalent of Joe the Plumber or a social outcast leper or even a foreigner.

Even foreigners (aliens) were able to enjoy the Passover meal with God’s people. “Unclean Gentiles” were not unclean if they approached God as every Israelite was required, receiving the atoning work of God.

The point is, everyone is unfit, but everyone has an opportunity to be made right.
First, YOU must recognize your impurity. DO YOU?
These conditions of bodily fluid discharges would be self-imposed, private matters, likely no one else would know about. Do you sense how deep your sin runs, from birth to death, in your most personal thoughts and unnoticed habits and secret pleasures?
None of us deserve to dwell with God, but God has gone amazing lengths to dwell with us anyway.
The only thing that keeps one outside the camp is an unwillingness to receive and obey God’s Word and grace.

The trajectory is not to create distance between God and the worshipper, but to render sinful man right to worship God rightly and with nearness. The point is not to exclude, but to include all who will come and be made pure by God’s provision. His love is antiseptic. Holy and pure, but cleansing and renewing.

The progression of ch 5: the unclean must be removed, but they must be made right (cleansing periods and rituals) so that they can enter again the holy camp.

Hopefully, we recognize our own dirt.
But how do we relate to other people who are dirty?
Who is put out of the camp? NT analogy: 1 Cor 5 – who is put out of the church? Not all sinners, but all hardened and unrepentant “Christians”. Those who’ve hidden and ignored their sin.
Paul says: Don’t associate with them. Lit: don’t get mixed up with them. Don’t eat with them or allow them to take the Lord’s Supper. Don’t encourage saints to stay in sin by never saying anything. Casual, cool, peace-faking relationships are not what hypocrites need. They need truth and distance from the holy people to come to their senses. To wake up and smell the gospel.

What about unbelievers? outside of the church? Don’t judge them, don’t avoid them, don’t ignore them.

Look at Jesus: He went TO prostitutes and tax collectors. Sexual immoral and socially questionable. He ate WITH them, not in a separate restaurant, on a separate block, in a separate suburb, in separate social circles

Luke the physician describes three accounts of Jesus coming in contact with dirty “unclean” people
The movement of the gospel texts points us to the movement of Jesus Christ towards unclean sinners.
He draws near to contagious sinners. Those who would contaminate every object and every person that they touch, Jesus comes close and touches them. Rather than him becoming dirty, they become clean.

Luke 5 A leper to Jesus, “Lord if you are willing you can make me clean” Does Jesus say, wash with water, kill a bird, go outside the city for 7 days? No, Jesus touches the leper, and immed the leprosy is GONE

Luke 8 Jesus TOUCHES and HEALS both a woman with a menstrual discharge (of 12 years) and a 12 year old dead girl.

The pure one touching the impure, but rather than being contaminated, Jesus spreads healing and life to all.
Compassionate and contagious cleanliness. Holy healing.

Do we receive, go TO the sexually impure, the AIDS victims, the social outcasts, the hurting and wounded, the pariahs and problem-people?
So many young women who say the church “burned me” or “kicked me out” if they became pregnant.
So many young men who never even stepped inside, never wanted to risk being judged or condemned.

Where are all the "dirty" people in our church. We have a few! But where are the rest of the social oucasts, the promiscuous, pierced friends?
Why aren’t they coming to church?
Probably not because we preach down to them—maybe because we don’t have any OR they don’t sense us moving TO them as much as we expect them to move TO US.

He meets us where we are, healing our impurity. But He does not leave us there.
He tells the woman caught in adultery, “Go and sin no more.”
Then He challenges the entire self-righteous crowd, especially men, let him without sin cast the first stone.

2. Sin is never hypothetical

Point of 5:5-10 Sin is never hypothetical. Sin is always specific against specific people, and specifically, against GOD

There is no private sin. It always has a communal consequence.

Even sins that stay within our heads and hearts distract us from loving and serving people, being fully devoted and attentive to God’s work, they weaken us and dilute our passion. We lose drive and discipline. Guilt cripples us. Lust distracts us. Sin is called yeast in the Bible. It is barely perceptible, invisible, working its way into your heart, spreading through your schedule, your best efforts, into your future. The sinful thoughts you cherish today might grow into sinful habits tomorrow and one day become enslaving patterns that affect anyone that you become close with or even come in contact with. What we think are secret sins shorten our patience, chip away at our kindness, change our tone of voice and choice of words.

V6 Even if you try to say, Hey Pastor, let me think of some rare example where no one is sinned against...
“Any of the sins that people commit by breaking faith WITH THE LORD.” All sins are against GOD.

Psa 51 – After David slept with another man’s wife in adultery then killed her husband in murder, he confessed to God, knowing full well that his sin definitely affected people, David said, “Against you alone, LORD, have I sinned.” Hebrew hyperbole—the greatest one sinned against (God) eclipses the terrible sins against the others.
Not diminishing the sin against the people, but magnifying the absolute horrifying act of sin against God.

When we sin against another person, whatever the sin, there’s a pattern that we must follow to get right:
Repentance (through the Ram of Atonement), Restitution, and Restoration

confession must be specific. Not just like a child who’s forced to say “Sorry”
But grace leads us to be specific: I’m sorry …for what? …for being selfish and saying cruel things to you.
Grace leads us to restitution: Will you forgive me? And how can I make things right?
Grace leads to restoration: I’d like to regain your trust, even if it takes months or years.
What wrongs have you done that you’ve never made right? Do you need to write a letter, pick up the phone, take someone to lunch? It won’t do to say, “I’ll never do it again.” I’ve asked God to forgive me.

3. God sees, judges, and heals the deepest sins in the most personal of relationships: the home

As a final example, we move to the application of sin against another person, in the closest of relationships, marriage.
5:11ff The jealousy meal. If a man accuses his wife of adultery.
An elaborate ritual involving a trip to the tabernacle. The husband brings an offering of barley flour, pours oil and incense on it, and it is called an offering of jealousy.
The wife unbinds her hair so that it hangs loose, to express uncovering her thoughts and heart, and then the priest places the grain offering of remembrance into the woman’s hand which is to represent an act which brings any sin to “remembrance.” In essence, she’s holding her life, her purity in her own hands.
And all this is happening, the text repeats over and over “before the Lord” He sees and knows all.
Then The priest puts water in a clay vessel, scrapes up dust from the floor, sprinkles it in the water, writes a curse on a scroll, washes off the curse into the water, then the woman drinks the water.
If she is innocent, she will be free from any harm.
If she is guilty, then the LORD will cause problems in the reproductive department, if not straight-up infertility.

Chauvinist text? Both 5:3 and 5:6 point out male and female sin/uncleanness
But ultimately, this is not talking just about husbands and wives, but about God and the Church.

"Break faith" in 5:6 and 5:11– only ref in whole Bible to man and woman. Every other use is spiritual adultery/treason against God. Prophets use the adulterous wife image to speak of Israel’s spiritual adultery against Yahweh with foreign gods and idols (Hos 1-3; Isa 50:1; 51:17-23; 57:3-14; Jer 3; Ezek 16; 23)

So idolatry is seen as adultery in the OT
But here, we see also that adultery is idolatry. Breaking trust with your spouse is treason against God

So this text isn’t to bash women and give men a free license to shame their wives, over a hunch, with no evidence. The text is to point us to how we the bride of Christ, are like an adulterous woman to her husband.

The Rabbis point out that this was a rare ritual, and you can imagine, if a husband got up to the plate to bat, accused his wife, and if she was innocent, if he struck out, where do you think he’d be sleeping for the next few years? Outside the tent, maybe even outside the camps!

Consider ancient Trials by ordeal:
this adultery test does not harm anyone or cause death. No walking on coals, holding your hand in the fire, or tossed into a lake with concrete shoes. It leaves judgment to God, not assumes the death of the accused UNLESS God intervenes.
This is just a picture, a means by which God shows the sinfulness of sin, that sin cannot be hidden from God, that God can and will judge sinners. There is no physical pain, no forced confession resulting in false confessions. Neither the husband nor the priest take any direct action, but God alone can and will.

The Israelites would’ve just experienced a similar ordeal only months before at Mt. Sinai.
Exodus 32:20 Golden Calf – people drink the burned and ground dust from the golden calf, as curse
Gen 3 – the serpent eats the dust of the earth as a curse

The final word of the adultery test:
John 4 – Jesus comes and offers an adulterous and abused woman NOT bitter water, but water of life.
The living water (Jesus) discerns sin and reveals truth (I know you’ve been with 5 men and now live with another not your husband), but the living water provides forgiveness, renewal, and THIS is the final word to the bitter water theme. Because Jesus drank the cup of God’s wrath, because Jesus took the written code, the curses of the law and in his flesh, nailed them to the cross, we are set free. We are cleansed. Jesus the Holy One went OUTSIDE the City, OUTSIDE the camp, to be crucified in shame, so that we might draw NEAR to God in confidence and peace.

No matter how private your sin against someone else, God knows all. The one who searches hearts and minds.
No matter how shameful and painful and private someone’s sin against you, God sees, He knows. I may not know the pain you’ve been through, but Jesus the Righteous One knows. Jesus the Healer sees. He can set you free, even if no one else knows that you’ve been a captive to shame and pain and if all your scars are hidden.

The Lord’s Supper is like a jealousy meal. We are the bride of Christ, and we surely sin against our faithful spouse. When we drink the cup and eat the bread, we drink condemnation on ourselves if we are unrepentant.
This meal discerns and reveals truth (are we "in Christ")
But it also heals and cleanses our impurity that is uncovered.
But if we have faith and honest confession of sin, and openly receive his mercy, he says we have fellowship with the body and blood of Christ. He unites our bodies to Jesus’ body and spreads to our unclean hearts and bodies the cleansing and holy power of God Himself.

Read for communion: 1 Corinthians 10:23-32

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